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Vette Magazine

Vette Magazine is written for Corvette fans who either already own a Corvette, or just wish they did. Feature reports covers all aspects of the Corvette world, including restoration of classic Corvettes, new technological developments and modifica...

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Vette Magazine12$24.90Subscribe
Magazines.comUSA OnlyVette Magazine12$27.95Subscribe
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Vette Magazine??$27.95Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyVette Magazine12$29.71Subscribe
MagazineAgentUSA OnlyVette Magazine12$27.95Subscribe
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVette Magazine12$41.82Subscribe
AllZinesUSA OnlyVette Magazine12$24.90Subscribe

Vibe Magazine

Vibe chronicles and celebrates urban music and the American youth culture which inspires and consumes it. It speaks to a whole generation of young men and women whose lives defy categorization along conventional lines of race, class or gender. It...

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Vibe Magazine12$9.95Subscribe
Magazines.comUSA OnlyVibe Magazine12$14.95Subscribe
MagazineValuesUSA, Can.Vibe Magazine12$4.97Subscribe
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Vibe Magazine??$14.95Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyVibe Magazine12$9.95Subscribe
MagazineAgentUSA OnlyVibe Magazine12$14.95Subscribe
MagazineMasterUSA OnlyVibe Magazine??$9.95Subscribe
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVibe Magazine12$10.74Subscribe

Vibe Vixen Magazine

Vibe Vixen is the first magazine exclusively for trendsetting women whose love for urban music and culture inspires her choices in beauty, fashion and way of life.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Vibe Vixen Magazine6$9.95Subscribe
Magazines.comUSA OnlyVibe Vixen Magazine4$9.95Subscribe
MagazineValuesUSA, Can.Vibe Vixen Magazine6$4.97Subscribe
MagazineMasterUSA OnlyVibe Vixen Magazine??$9.95Subscribe

Victorian Homes Magazine

Covers Victorian decorative arts and lifestyles of the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Gives ideas, inspiration and information on how architecture and designs can be adapted and made relevant to today's living.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
MagazineMasterUSA OnlyVictorian Homes??$19.95Subscribe

Vida Christiana Magazine

Vida Christiana: Brings news of what God is doing among the Hispanics.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
MagazineValuesUSA, Can.Vida Christiana6$6.97Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyVida Christiana6$12.95Subscribe
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVida Christiana6$7.44Subscribe

Vida Cristiana Magazine

Servir a la Iglesia de habla hispana internacional provey+¬ndole liderazgo prof+¬tico, ense+¦anzas relevantes y noticias de la obra de Dios alrededor del mundo.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Vida Cristiana6$12.98Subscribe
Magazines.comUSA OnlyVida Cristiana6$12.98Subscribe
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Vida Cristiana??$12.98Subscribe
MagazineAgentUSA OnlyVida Cristiana6$12.98Subscribe
AllZinesUSA OnlyVida Cristiana6$10.00Subscribe

Videography Magazine

Videography: A news and information source for the professional video production, with thorough discussion of the trends and methods used in the business.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVideography Magazine12$36.88Subscribe

Videomaker Magazine

Covers camcorders, video editing, desktop video and audio production for novice and expert videographers. Surveys and outlines new technology and equipment, teaches production techniques, and shows how to get more from equipment fans already own.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Videomaker Magazine12$13.95Subscribe
MagazineValuesUSA, Can.Videomaker Magazine12$9.97Subscribe
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Videomaker Magazine??$19.97Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyVideomaker Magazine12$22.50Subscribe
MagazineMasterUSA OnlyVideomaker Magazine??$22.50Subscribe
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVideomaker Magazine12$9.51Subscribe
AllZinesUSA OnlyVideomaker Magazine12$13.95Subscribe

Vietnam Magazine

Vietnam is the only magazine exclusively dedicated to the Vietnam conflict. Every issue gives thorough and definitive covering and discussion of the many complexities which made the war in Vietnam special including the people, battles, recommendations and tricks and weapo...

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
NetmagazinesUSA, Can., Intl.Vietnam Magazine6$23.95Subscribe
Magazines.comUSA OnlyVietnam Magazine6$19.95Subscribe
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Vietnam Magazine??$19.95Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyVietnam Magazine6$19.95Subscribe
MagazineAgentUSA OnlyVietnam Magazine6$19.95Subscribe
MagsForLessUSA OnlyVietnam Magazine6$17.34Subscribe
AllZinesUSA OnlyVietnam Magazine6$17.95Subscribe

View Camera Magazine

The journal of large format photography.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
MagazineValuesUSA, Can.View Camera Magazine6$25.00Subscribe
MagazinesQuickUSA OnlyView Camera Magazine12$43.94Subscribe
MagazineMasterUSA OnlyView Camera Magazine??$47.50Subscribe

Vine Magazine

Vine Magazine shares the Wine Country Lifestyle through compelling stories, educational source listings, and awe-inspiring photography.

CompanyShips ToMagazineIssuesPrice
MagazineCityUSA, Can., Intl.Vine Magazine??$15.00Subscribe